It has long been my belief that purely martial leader-type classes are badass and great. The Warlord was by far my favorite thing about 4E, but since my group and I prefer Pathfinder I haven't gotten to play it much. Unfortunately, Pathfinder lacks a way to really do this concept well; the closest it comes is the Battle Herald, which is a prestige class dependent upon Bard and Cavalier levels. I wanted a base class, and I didn't want to have to use magic or have a horse. After Paizo announced ten new classes, none of which were even close to what I was missing, I figured - screw it, I'll do it myself. And so in a three-hour frenzy of typing in the face of impending finals, the General was born. Its features are heavily inspired by both the 4E Warlord and some material from 3.5's Tome of Battle, but I think it stands alone fairly well. Hopefully we'll get a chance to do some playtesting on it soon. The content of this class is subject to be edited at any time; I plan to add more feats and archetypes in the future.
The General
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
- Alexander the Great
The General
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
- Alexander the Great
War is not always about one soldier’s skills or strength. As any professional military leader will tell you, with proper leadership and direction, even an inferior force can often achieve victory, and a grand force under a great commander can become unstoppable. Some rely on their knowledge of tactics and battlefield insight, thinking on their feet and changing their party’s strategy to counter any situation. Others eschew such an academic method of command; rather, they inspire their companions to great deeds with the power of their personality. Regardless, any military force acting towards a single purpose under the guidance of a skilled leader will almost always win out over a simple group of individuals.
Role: A fighter wields swords and bows. A general wields fighters. While no slouches in combat themselves, their true power is in commanding and inspiring their allies to achieve greater things than they could alone.
Ability Scores: Each general needs to invest heavily in either Intelligence or Charisma, to make the most of their strategic exploits. Besides that, they are like any other martial character; Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution will all be important depending on the individual general’s fighting style.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d10.
Starting Wealth: As fighter.
Starting Age: As wizard.
Class Skills
The general’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Table: General
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Leadership Style, Leadership Pool, Strategic Exploit
Strategic Exploit
Combat Acumen, Hold the Line +1
Act As One, Bonus Feat
Improved Aid, Brothers in Arms +1
Strategic Exploit
No Man Left Behind, Hold the Line +2
Bonus Feat, Rally Point 1/day
Brothers in Arms +2
Strategic Exploit
Courage of the Company, Hold the Line +3
Bonus Feat
Brothers in Arms +3
Strategic Exploit
Unwavering Loyalty, Hold the Line +4
Bonus Feat, Rally Point 2/day
Brothers in Arms +4
Strategic Exploit
Hold the Line +5
Bonus Feat, God of War
Class Features
The following are class features of the general.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A general is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and all shields (including tower shields).
Leadership Style (Ex)
Each general is slightly different, but by and large they fall into two main schools of thought. At 1st level, the general selects a leadership style; this choice determines the general’s primary ability score and influences their selection of strategic exploits. Anytime you use an exploit that lets you use either your Intelligence or Charisma to determine its effects, you must use the score associated with the style you chose at first level.
Inspiring: An inspiring general focuses on spurring his party beyond their limits to achieve great things. His abilities often grant impressive bonuses to attacks and defenses, and he can even heal his allies by keeping them determined in the face of overwhelming odds. His class features are based on his Charisma score.
By spending 1 point from his leadership pool as a swift action, an inspiring general can grant each ally within 30 feet temporary hit points equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. These temporary hit points do not stack with themselves; for example, if a general with a 16 Cha uses this ability to grant 3 temporary HP to an ally who still has 1 left from a previous usage of this ability, that ally only gains 2 temporary HP (to a total of 3).
By spending 1 point from his leadership pool as a swift action, an inspiring general can grant each ally within 30 feet temporary hit points equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. These temporary hit points do not stack with themselves; for example, if a general with a 16 Cha uses this ability to grant 3 temporary HP to an ally who still has 1 left from a previous usage of this ability, that ally only gains 2 temporary HP (to a total of 3).
Tactical: A tactical general’s main tool is his insight into the mechanics of battle. For him, war is a science, and the strategies he employs from moment to moment on the ever-changing battlefield are a formula, with the ultimate result being victory. He can make his allies do things they could not ordinarily do and work together like a well-oiled war machine. His class features are based on his Intelligence score.
By spending 1 point from his leadership pool as a swift action, a tactical general can grant all allies within 30 feet a competence bonus on damage equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). This damage bonus only applies to targets who are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC. In addition, a tactical general with the Leadership feat may use his Intelligence modifier in place of his Charisma modifier to determine his Leadership score.
Leadership Pool (Ex)
At 1st level, the general gains a pool of leadership points which represents his ingenuity, mental endurance, and ability to control his allies. The number of points in a general’s leadership pool is equal to 1/2 his level (minimum 1) plus his Intelligence modifier (for tactical generals) or his Charisma modifier (for inspiring generals). As long as the general has at least 1 point in his leadership pool, he adds either his Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on all Aid Another checks.
By spending 1 point from his pool, any general can use one of the following base abilities:
- Grant each ally within 30 feet a +5 ft. enhancement bonus to their speed for 1 round. This bonus increases by +5 feet at 4th level and every 4 levels beyond, to a maximum of +30 feet at 20th level.
- Grant each ally within 30 feet a +1 dodge bonus to their Armor Class for 1 round. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels beyond, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level.
- Grant each ally within 30 feet a +1 competence bonus to their next attack roll made within 1 round. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels beyond, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level.
Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. Whenever the general drops an enemy with total hit dice equal to half his level or greater to 0 or fewer hit points, or confirms a critical hit on such an enemy, he regains 1 leadership point, but cannot have more points at one time than he started the day with. The leadership pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest and 30 minutes of exercise.
Strategic Exploits (Ex)
As a general gains levels, his combat experience grows, allowing him and his allies to achieve greater deeds on the battlefield. At first level, a general gains one strategic exploit. He gains an additional strategic exploit at second level and every four levels thereafter. He cannot select an individual exploit more than once unless otherwise indicated. Once a strategic exploit is learned, it cannot be replaced. All exploits are extraordinary abilities unless otherwise noted and do not provoke attacks of opportunity unless otherwise stated or they involve the general making a ranged attack. All general abilities that affect allies only work on allies who can hear and understand the general, and who share a common language.
Most exploits can be selected by any general. However, some specify that only inspiring or tactical generals may select them.
Universal ExploitsDistracting Strike: As a standard action, the general can spend 1 leadership point to make a melee or ranged attack against an enemy. If this attack hits and deals damage, the target becomes flat-footed against the next attack made by one of the general’s allies within 1 round.
Draw Attention: As an immediate action, when an opponent threatening the general makes a melee attack against one of the general’s allies, the general may spend 1 leadership point to force the enemy to attack the general instead. In the case of a full attack action, this ability only applies to one attack. The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit. At 10th level, the general may spend an additional leadership point to allow the ally on whom the attack was originally targeted to make an opportunity attack against the enemy. If this attack hits, the opponent’s attack takes a penalty equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1). At level 14, the general no longer must be threatened by the enemy, but must spend 2 additional leadership points to move up to his speed into the enemy's threatened area before taking the attack.
Expert Flanking: As a swift action, the general can spend 1 leadership point to give himself and any ally who is flanking with him a competence bonus on their attack and damage rolls against the flanked target equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the general's class level. The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Press Forward: As a swift action, a general may spend 1 leadership point to grant each ally within 30 feet a competence bonus on Bull Rush and Overrun combat maneuvers equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Ready for Anything: As an immediate action when initiative is rolled, a general may spend 1 leadership point to grant each ally within 30 feet a competence bonus on the roll equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1). At 6th level, he may spend 1 additional point to also allow each ally within 30 feet to act in the surprise round, even if they would otherwise be unable to.
Reflexive Shot: As an immediate action when an ally within 30 feet is targeted by a ranged attack, the general may spend 1 leadership point to make a ranged attack against the attacking enemy. This attack is resolved before the enemy’s attack, and if it hits and deals damage, the enemy takes a penalty on all its ranged attack rolls that round equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The general must be at least 6th level and already know the Warning Cry exploit before selecting this exploit.
Strike the Heart: As a move action, a general may spend 1 leadership point to grant an ally within 30 feet a competence bonus on critical confirmation rolls equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round. At 10th level, the general may instead spend 3 points to increase the critical threat range of one ally’s weapon within 30 feet by ½ the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round. This increase does not stack with Improved Critical, the Keen special quality, or any other effects that improve a weapon’s critical threat range; use the larger of the two effects. The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Volley Strike: As a standard action, the general may spend 2 leadership points to make a melee attack against an enemy of his size or smaller. If this attack hits, it deals damage equal to the general’s Strength modifier (minimum 1) and pushes the enemy back 5 feet. If the enemy ends this movement adjacent to one of the general’s allies, that ally may make an attack of opportunity against the target. Only one ally may make this attack, regardless of how many allies are adjacent to the enemy after its movement.
War Leader’s Charge: As a full-round action, a general can spend 2 leadership points and make a charge attack. Each ally within 30 feet may also make a charge attack as an immediate action. At 10th level, the general may spend an additional leadership point to grant each ally a morale bonus on the damage roll of the charge attack equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Warning Cry: As an immediate action when an ally within 30 feet is targeted by a ranged attack, the general may spend 1 leadership point to grant that ally a dodge bonus on AC against the next ranged attack against them equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) within 1 round.
Inspiring Exploits
Boost Morale [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general can spend 2 leadership points to direct a word of encouragement to an ally within 30 feet. The ally gains fast healing equal to 1/2 the general’s class level for a number of rounds equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This ability only functions on conscious allies who can hear the general speak. At 8th level, the general can spend 1 additional leadership point to use this exploit as a move action.
Boost Morale, Mass [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general can spend 3 leadership points to grant all allies within 30 feet fast healing equal to 1/2 the general’s class level for a number of rounds equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This ability only functions on conscious allies who can hear the general speak. The general must be at least 10th level and already know the Boost Morale exploit before selecting this exploit.
Hard as Steel [Inspiring]: As a swift action, the general may spend 1 leadership point to grant all allies within 30 feet a morale bonus on Fortitude saves equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to half the general’s class level.
Lead By Example [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general may spend 1 leadership point and make a melee or ranged attack. If this attack hits, one of the general's allies within 30 feet gains a morale bonus equal to the general's Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on their next attack and damage rolls against that enemy made within 1 round. At 6th level, the general may spend 1 additional leadership point to grant that bonus to all allies within 30 feet instead.
Legendary Blow [Inspiring]: As a standard action, a general may spend 3 leadership points and make an attack roll against an enemy. If the attack hits and deals damage, one ally within 30 feet is affected as if by the heal spell, using the general’s class level as the caster level. The general must be at least 10th level to select this exploit.
Snap Out Of It, Soldier! [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general may spend 1 leadership point to grant one ally within 30 feet a second Will save against one effect currently affecting them that a Will save can end. He may spend 1 additional leadership point to grant a morale bonus on the save equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Stand Against the Storm [Inspiring]: As a swift action, the general may spend 1 leadership point and select one ally adjacent to him. As long as the general and that ally do not move and remain adjacent, they each gain a morale bonus to AC and CMD equal to the general's Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and are considered to be flanking any enemy threatened by both of them. The general must already know the Expert Flanking exploit before selecting this exploit.
Unbreakable [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general may spend 3 leadership points to grant damage reduction x/-, where x equals the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1), to each ally within 30 feet for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the general's level. The general must be at least 10th level to select this exploit.
Assist Escape [Tactical]: As an immediate action, the general may spend 2 leadership points to grant one ally within 30 feet a competence bonus to AC against opportunity attacks equal to the general's Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) for one round. The general must be at least 6th level to select this ability.
Command Action [Tactical]: As a standard action, the general may spend 2 leadership points to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to make a single melee or ranged attack as an immediate action. He may spend 1 additional leadership point to grant this attack a competence bonus on its attack and damage rolls equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). At 6th level, he may spend 1 additional leadership point to use this exploit as a move action; any one ally may only benefit from it once per round. At 10th level, he may spend 4 leadership points as a full-round action to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to take a full attack action.
Command Action [Tactical]: As a standard action, the general may spend 2 leadership points to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to make a single melee or ranged attack as an immediate action. He may spend 1 additional leadership point to grant this attack a competence bonus on its attack and damage rolls equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). At 6th level, he may spend 1 additional leadership point to use this exploit as a move action; any one ally may only benefit from it once per round. At 10th level, he may spend 4 leadership points as a full-round action to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to take a full attack action.
Command Movement [Tactical]: As a move action, the general may spend 1 leadership point to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to take a single move action as an immediate action. This can be for movement, standing up from prone, or any other move action, but it provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. He may spend 1 additional leadership point to grant a dodge bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked by this move action equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Crush Defenses [Tactical]: As a standard action, the general may spend 1 leadership point and make a melee or ranged attack. If this attack hits, the target takes a penalty on its next saving throw made within 1 round equal to 1/2 the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Crush Defenses [Tactical]: As a standard action, the general may spend 1 leadership point and make a melee or ranged attack. If this attack hits, the target takes a penalty on its next saving throw made within 1 round equal to 1/2 the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
No Escape [Tactical]: When an enemy takes a 5-foot step, the general may spend 2 leadership points as an immediate action to allow one ally within 30 feet who was threatening that opponent to either make an attack of opportunity against that opponent anyway, with a competence bonus to the damage roll equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), or to take a 5-foot step as an immediate action.
Positioning Assist [Tactical]: As a standard action, the general may spend 1 leadership point and make a melee or ranged attack. If the attack hits, the target is unable to make opportunity attacks for 1 round.
Strategic Retreat [Tactical]: As a standard action, a general can spend 1 leadership point to allow each ally within 30 feet to take a 5-foot step as an immediate action; they must end their movement further from the nearest enemy than they were before they moved. At 10th level, he can instead allow them each to move up to their speed as an immediate action; this entire movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. An ally may only take this movement if they are being threatened by at least one opponent, and they must end their movement further away from all opponents that were threatening them. In addition, each ally that moved gains a dodge bonus to AC against ranged attacks equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round.
Tactical Genius [Tactical]: As a swift action, the general may spend 1 leadership point and move an ally 1 spot either up or down in the initiative order. The general must be at least 4th level to select this exploit. At 8th level, the general can spend 1 additional point to target another ally with this exploit at the same time, or move one ally two spots up or down. At 12th level, the general may instead spend 3 leadership points and rearrange the initiative order however he wishes. This ability may not be used during the surprise round.
Take Down the Caster! [Tactical]: When an enemy begins casting a spell, a general may spend 1 leadership point as an immediate action to allow one ally within 30 feet to make a melee or ranged attack against that enemy as an immediate action. If this attack deals damage and forces the enemy to make a concentration check to keep the spell, the DC of this check increases by an amount equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Combat Acumen (Ex)
At 3rd level, a general adds either his Intelligence modifier or his Charisma modifier to his Initiative bonus in addition to his Dexterity modifier. Tactical generals use Intelligence; inspiring generals use Charisma.
Hold the Line (Ex)
Beginning at 3rd level, all allies adjacent to the general gain a +1 bonus to their CMD. This bonus increases for every 4 levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at 19th level.
Combat Acumen (Ex)
At 3rd level, a general adds either his Intelligence modifier or his Charisma modifier to his Initiative bonus in addition to his Dexterity modifier. Tactical generals use Intelligence; inspiring generals use Charisma.
Hold the Line (Ex)
Beginning at 3rd level, all allies adjacent to the general gain a +1 bonus to their CMD. This bonus increases for every 4 levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at 19th level.
Bonus Feat
At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a general gains a bonus feat for which he meets the prerequisites. This feat must be either a teamwork feat or a combat feat.
Act As One (Ex)
Beginning at 4th level, a general can spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant the use of one teamwork feat or combat feat that he knows to one ally within 30 feet for a number of rounds equal to ½ the general’s class level. The ally need not meet the prerequisites of the feat granted, but if it is a feat that comes in multiple versions (such as Weapon Focus which can apply to multiple weapons), the general may only grant the versions of the feat he himself knows. He may instead spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to gain the use of one teamwork feat or combat feat known by one ally within 30 feet for the same duration, at which point he may use this ability again to grant that feat to a different ally by spending another leadership point on another action.
Improved Aid (Ex)
Beginning at 5th level, whenever the general successfully uses the Aid Another action, instead of a flat +2 he grants the ally a bonus equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum +2). In addition, the general can use Aid Another as a move action. He may still only use Aid Another once per round.
Brothers in Arms (Ex)
Beginning at 5th level, the general and all allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus to all saves against Fear, Charm, and Compulsion effects. This bonus increases by +1 at 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level.
No Man Left Behind (Ex)
At 7th level, as long as the general has at least 1 leadership point remaining, the weight of allies who have been reduced to 0 or fewer hit points or otherwise incapacitated does not count towards the carrying capacity of the general or his allies within 30 feet. Each person may carry a maximum number of bodies equal to the general's Brothers in Arms bonus.
Rally Point (Ex)
At 8th level, the general can plant his banner as a full-round action. While within 30 feet of the banner, he and his allies gain a number of bonuses. First, add the general's Intelligence or Charisma bonus as a bonus to Will saves for all allies within the area. Second, as long as two allies within the area are adjacent to each other, they cannot be flanked. In addition, each ally on their turn chooses one of the following benefits that they then gain until the start of their next turn.
- +20 ft. enhancement bonus to base land speed
- +4 dodge bonus to AC and CMD
- Make an extra attack at your highest base attack bonus as part a full-attack action
- +4 resistance bonus on saving throws
The banner's effect lasts for 1 minute per level of the general. If the banner is moved from its position (a move action), the effect immediately ends. Rally point may be used once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day starting at 16th level.
- +20 ft. enhancement bonus to base land speed
- +4 dodge bonus to AC and CMD
- Make an extra attack at your highest base attack bonus as part a full-attack action
- +4 resistance bonus on saving throws
The banner's effect lasts for 1 minute per level of the general. If the banner is moved from its position (a move action), the effect immediately ends. Rally point may be used once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day starting at 16th level.
Courage of the Company (Ex)
At 11th level, as long as the general has at least 1 leadership point remaining, whenever he or any ally adjacent to him succeeds on a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, they instead avoid the effect entirely. Helpless allies do not gain the benefit of this ability, and a helpless general does not grant it to allies.
Unwavering Loyalty (Ex)
At 15th level, the general becomes immune to fear, charm, and compulsion effects, and gains a bonus equal to his Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on saves against confusion, dazing, paralysis, staggering, stunning, and energy drain.
God of War (Ex)
At 20th level, a general becomes a true master of the art of war. When he spends a leadership point to use one of the base effects given in the leadership pool class feature, he instead may use all three of them at the same time. In addition, he can never run out of leadership points; his leadership pool now has a minimum of 1 point in it at all times. He still cannot spend more points on one action than he currently has in his pool.
General Feats

Prerequisite: 15 Int or 15 Cha, must not have a leadership pool
Benefit: You gain a Leadership Pool with a maximum number of points equal to your Intelligence or Charisma modifier. You may use these points on the base abilities of the Leadership Pool class feature, using your character level as your equivalent general class level. You do not regain leadership points when defeating an enemy or scoring a critical hit.
Broad Influence
Prerequisite: Leadership pool class feature
Benefit: Any general class feature that affects one or more allies within 30 feet has its range increased by 5 feet for every point of either Intelligence or Charisma bonus you have (minimum 5 feet).
Extra Leadership Points
Prerequisite: Leadership pool class feature
Benefit: Your daily pool of leadership points is increased by 2.
Extra Strategic Exploit
Prerequisite: Strategic exploits class feature
Benefit: Learn one additional strategic exploit. You must meet all the prerequisites for the exploit you select.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Greater Act As One
Prerequisite: Act as one class feature, Improved Act As One, general level 11th
Benefit: You may use Act As One to transfer three teamwork or combat feats you know to the same ally with one action, or to grant one teamwork or combat feat to three allies simultaneously. This uses 3 leadership points.
Greater Act As One
Prerequisite: Act as one class feature, Improved Act As One, general level 11th
Benefit: You may use Act As One to transfer three teamwork or combat feats you know to the same ally with one action, or to grant one teamwork or combat feat to three allies simultaneously. This uses 3 leadership points.
Improved Act As One
Prerequisite: Act as one class feature, general level 7th
Benefit: You may use act as one to transfer two teamwork or combat feats you know to the same ally with one action, or to grant one teamwork or combat feat to two allies simultaneously. This uses 2 leadership points.
Versatile Leadership
Prerequisite: Leadership Style class feature, 14 Int and 14 Cha
Benefit: Choose a leadership style you do not have access to, including one from a specific archetype if desired. You may select strategic exploits usable by that style at an additional cost of 1 leadership point per use. If the exploit is one that is constant as long as you have at least 1 leadership point, you must have at least 2 leadership points for it to function.
Normal: Some exploits are only usable by generals of a particular style.
General Archetypes
Battlemage Commander
"Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained."
- Anton LaVey
Class Skills: The battlemage commander adds Fly, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device to his class skills. He does not gain Climb, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Engineering), Ride, or Swim as class skills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The battlemage commander loses proficiency with heavy armor and shields.
Leadership Style
The battlemage commander always selects the Arcane style. Treat as Tactical style for all purposes (including access to exploits), but instead of the ability to grant allies bonus damage, the battlemage commander may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet a competence bonus to all caster level checks and concentration checks for 1 round equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Arcane Dabbler [Sp]
At 4th level, the battlemage commander learns to cast a small number of arcane spells. He selects one 1st-level spell from the wizard spell list and gains it as a spell-like ability usable once per day, using his battlemage commander level as his caster level and using Intelligence to determine save DCs. Once selected, these spells cannot be changed. Every 4 levels thereafter he learns more spell-like abilities once per day each: one 2nd-level spell at level 8, one 3rd-level spell at level 12, one 4th-level spell at level 16, and one 5th-level spell at level 20. At each of these levels, he also learns one additional spell of each lower spell level; he may select the same spell more than once to be able to use it more than once per day. Therefore at level 20 he has 5 first-level spells, 4 second-level spells, 3 third-level spells, 2 fourth-level spells, and 1 fifth-level spell as spell-like abilities usable once per day each. This ability replaces bonus feats.
Arcane Tutor [Su]
At 4th level, the battlemage commander gains the ability to spend 1 leadership point as a swift action grant one ally within 30 feet access to one of his spell-like abilities for a number of rounds equal to ½ the battlemage commander’s class level or until the ally uses the spell, whichever comes first. This does not remove the spell-like ability usage from the battlemage commander, nor does the ability need to be yet unused for the day. The ally uses their character level as their caster level and must use their own Intelligence score to determine the spell’s save DC. This ability replaces act as one.
Enhanced Arcana [Su]
At 8th level, the battlemage commander may apply the effects of metamagic feats to his spell-like abilities gained with the arcane dabbler feature. He need not have taken the metamagic feat being used, but he must spend a number of leadership points equal to the number of spell levels increased by the metamagic feat (minimum 1 leadership point). This does not raise the effective spell level of the spell-like ability. He may use this ability once per day at 8th level and twice per day at 16th level. This ability replaces rally point.
Strategic Exploits
Battlemage commanders can choose the following Arcane-style exploits in addition to those on the main list. These exploits are supernatural abilities rather than extraordinary abilities unless otherwise noted.
Dual Arcana [Arcane]: As an immediate action when an enemy within 30 feet attempts a saving throw against an ally’s spell or spell-like ability, the battlemage commander may spend 2 leadership points to add ½ his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) to the save DC. If the spell targets multiple creatures, this save increase only applies against one target, selected by the battlemage commander. The battlemage commander must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Entangling Assist [Arcane]: As an immediate action, the battlemage commander may spend 1 leadership point to Entangle a targeted enemy within 30 feet for 1 round with mystic bands of force. The enemy may make a Reflex save (DC = ½ the battlemage commander’s class level + his Intelligence modifier) to avoid this effect. This is a spell-like ability.
Extend Ally Spell [Arcane]: As a move action, the battlemage commander may add ½ his Intelligence modifier in rounds (minimum 1 round) to the duration of an ally’s ongoing spell effect within 30 feet. The spell must be one that has a duration based on the caster’s level. The battlemage commander spends a number of leadership points equal to 1/2 the level of the spell (minimum 1). He may only affect a single spell effect once with this ability. The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Obfuscation [Arcane]: As a swift action, the battlemage commander may spend 1 leadership point to grant one ally within 30 feet the benefit of the displacement spell for 1 round. The battlemage commander must be at least 10th level to select this exploit. This is a spell-like ability.
High Seas Captain
"If I don't kill a man every now and then, they forget who I am."
- Blackbeard
Class Skills: A high seas captain adds Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Disguise, Escape Artist, and Stealth to his class skills. He does not gain Heal, Knowledge (Nobility), Linguistics, or Ride as class skills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A high seas captain is proficient in all simple and martial weapons as well as the whip, boarding gaff, spiked chain, harpoon, hand crossbow, grappling hook, net, pistol, and blunderbuss. He can use a tankard, flagon, barrel, or other container of alcohol as an improvised weapon and ignore the usual penalty. He is proficient in light armor and bucklers.
Leadership Style
A high seas captain always selects the Terror style. Treat as Inspiring for all purposes (including access to exploits), but instead of the ability to grant allies temporary hit points, the high seas captain may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet a morale bonus on damage for 1 round equal to the high seas captain’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This damage only applies against enemies who either are suffering from some fear effect (including being demoralized from Intimidate) or who are being threatened by 3 or more of his allies (including him).
Grit [Ex]
At first level, the high seas captain gains Amateur Gunslinger as a bonus feat, using his charisma score to determine his grit pool rather than wisdom. Anytime he would gain a bonus combat or teamwork feat, he may instead choose to learn a gunslinger or swashbuckler deed for which he meets the prerequisites, using his general level as his effective gunslinger or swashbuckler level.
That Famous Ol’ Spiced [Ex]
At 5th level, a high seas captain gains the ability to fortify his leadership with strong drink. The act of drinking is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and each drink provides 1 grog point. Grog points can be used in place of leadership points to fuel strategic exploits (including those requiring a minimum of 1 grit point to use). They may also be used in place of grit points to power deeds. The high seas captain can gain a maximum number of grog points each day equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1), and they last for 1 hour or until used, whichever comes first. He gains a morale bonus on saves against fear and a dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity equal to his current grog point total. This ability replaces brothers in arms.
Make An Example Out Of 'Im [Ex]
Starting at 7th level, whenever the high seas captain kills either an enemy or a member of his crew with a coup de grace or some kind of theatrical execution (for example, walking the plank or keelhauling) while his allies are watching, he regains 1 leadership point. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. This ability replaces no man left behind.Flag of Terror [Ex]
At 8th level, the high seas captain can raise his flag as a full-round action. The flag must be either placed in the ground, in which case its effect covers a 30 ft. radius from it, or raised on a ship's mast, in which case the effect covers the entire ship. While within the radius, all the high seas captain's allies add the captain's Charisma bonus as a bonus to their intimidate checks. In addition, each enemy who sees the flag for the first time that day must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the general's level + the general's Charisma modifier) or be Shaken for 1 hour. Each round, the high seas captain chooses one of the following penalties to apply to all enemies within the area of effect of the flag.
- -2 penalty to AC and CMD
- -2 penalty to saving throws
- -2 penalty to attack rolls and CMB
- Must make a Will save (DC same as above) or be Shaken for 1 round. If already Shaken, become Frightened for 1 round. If already Frightened, become Panicked for 1 round. If already Panicked, stay Panicked an additional round.
The flag's effects last for 1 minute per level of the high seas captain. If the flag is taken down or moved, the effect immediately ends. The high seas captain can use this ability once per day at 8th level and twice per day at 16th level. This ability replaces rally point.
Strategic Exploits
High seas captains can choose the following Terror-style exploits in addition to those on the main list.
Black Spot [Terror]: As a standard action, the high seas captain can spend 1 leadership point and target one enemy that he can see. He and his allies gain a bonus to damage rolls, CMB, and Intimidate checks against that enemy equal to the 1/2 the high seas captain's level until the enemy is slain or the high seas captain uses this exploit on another target.
Black Spot [Terror]: As a standard action, the high seas captain can spend 1 leadership point and target one enemy that he can see. He and his allies gain a bonus to damage rolls, CMB, and Intimidate checks against that enemy equal to the 1/2 the high seas captain's level until the enemy is slain or the high seas captain uses this exploit on another target.
Dirty Fighting [Terror]: As a swift action, the high seas captain can spend 1 leadership point to grant an ally within 30 feet a morale bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on Dirty Trick, Disarm, Grapple, Steal, and Trip combat maneuvers for 1 round.
Raider’s Riposte [Terror]: As an immediate action when an ally is missed by an attack of opportunity, the high seas captain can spend 1 leadership point to grant that ally a melee or ranged attack against the attacker with a morale bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to the high seas captain’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1); taking this attack is a free action for the ally. This exploit cannot be used against attacks of opportunity provoked by spellcasting or ranged attacks. The high seas captain must be at least 6th level before selecting this exploit.
Smokescreen [Terror]: As a standard action, the high seas captain may spend 1 leadership point and fire a firearm. Rather than firing a bullet, however, he creates a smokescreen of black powder in a 15-foot radius, at least one square of which must be adjacent to him. The smokescreen lasts a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his class level, and obscures all sight beyond 5 feet. Even within 5 feet, creatures are treated as having concealment (20% miss chance). This does not use up a round of ammunition.
Scout Captain
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
- Sun Tzu
Class Skills: The scout captain gains Acrobatics, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature), Sleight of Hand, and Stealth to his class skills. He does not gain Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Knowledge (Engineering) as class skills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The scout captain is proficient in all simple and martial weapons and with muskets. He loses proficiency with medium and heavy armor and with tower shields.
Leadership Style
The scout captain always selects the Guerrilla style. Treat as Tactical for all purposes (including access to exploits), but instead of the ability to grant allies bonus damage against flanked or flat-footed enemies, the scout captain may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant each ally within 30 feet a competence bonus on damage rolls equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) on their turn, as long as they moved at least 10 feet that turn, for 1 round.
Favored Terrain [Ex]
At 5th level, the scout captain selects 1 favored terrain, as the ranger class feature. Every 4 levels after 5th, he selects an additional favored terrain, and the skill and initiative bonuses in one terrain he knows increase by +2. This ability replaces brothers in arms.
Quick Step [Ex]
At 7th level, as long as the scout captain has at least one leadership point remaining, he and his allies within 30 feet may still take 5-foot steps in terrain that slows movement. This ability replaces no man left behind.
Hide In Plain Sight [Ex]
The scout captain gains this ability at 8th level, as the ranger class feature. It only functions while in one of his favored terrains. At 16th level, the scout captain may spend 3 leadership points as a swift action to grant this ability to each of his allies within 30 feet for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his class level. This ability replaces rally point.
Strategic Exploits
The scout captain can choose the following Guerrilla-style exploits in addition to those on the main list.
Eagle Eyes [Guerrilla]: As an immediate action when an ally misses an enemy with a ranged attack, the scout captain may spend 1 leadership point to allow that ally to reroll the attack. The ally must take the result of the second roll, even it is worse. The scout captain must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Flawless Stride [Guerrilla]: As a swift action, the scout captain may spend 2 leadership points to allow himself and all his allies within 30 feet to move through difficult terrain at their normal speed for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the scout captain's level.
Set Trap [Guerrilla]: The scout captain learns to create a snare trap (see Ranger Traps) by spending 1 leadership point. The saving throws against the traps he creates are determined by his Intelligence rather than his Wisdom, and his allies can automatically see his traps. This exploit may be selected multiple times; each time it is selected, the scout captain learns to create an additional type of trap. He may only create extraordinary traps, not supernatural ones.
Trick Shot [Guerrilla]: As a standard action, a scout captain may spend 1 leadership point to make a single ranged attack against an enemy. If the attack hits, in addition to taking normal damage, the enemy is affected by one of the following conditions: blinded, dazzled, deafened, entangled, shaken, or sickened. This condition lasts for 1 round. The scout captain must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Shadow Guildmaster
“If there is one realm in which it is essential to be sublime, it is in wickedness. You spit on a petty thief, but you can't deny a kind of respect for the great criminal.”
- Denis Diderot
Class Skills: The shadow guildmaster does not gain Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Geography), Ride, or Survival as class skills. He adds Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Local), Sleight of Hand, and Stealth to his class skills. He gains a base of 6 skill points per level rather than 4.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The shadow guildmaster is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. He is proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
Leadership Style
The shadow guildmaster always selects the Shadow style. Treat as Tactical for all purposes (including access to exploits), but instead of the ability to grant allies bonus damage, he may instead spend 1 leadership point as a standard action to grant all allies within 30 feet a competence bonus equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) on dirty trick, disarm, reposition, and steal combat maneuver checks for 1 round.
Rogue Talents
At any level at which the shadow guildmaster learns a strategic exploit, he may instead learn one rogue talent for which he meets the prerequisites, using his general level as his effective rogue level. He also gains access to advanced rogue talents at 10th level.
Sneak Attack [Ex]
At 4th level, the shadow guildmaster gains sneak attack 1d6, as the rogue class feature. Every 4 levels thereafter the sneak attack damage increases by +1d6. This ability replaces bonus feats.
Command Backstab [Ex]
Beginning at 4th level, a shadow guildmaster can spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to allow one ally within 30 feet to duplicate his sneak attack class feature for a number of rounds equal to ½ the shadow guildmaster’s class level. If the ally already has sneak attack, the two values do not stack; use the higher one instead. This ability replaces act as one.
Coordinated Reflexes [Ex]
Beginning at 5th level, the shadow guildmaster and all his allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves. This bonus increases by +1 every 4 levels beyond 5th, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. This ability replaces brothers in arms.
Death Attack [Ex]
The shadow guildmaster gains this ability at 8th level, as the assassin class feature, using ½ his general level as his effective assassin level. He may only use it as long as he has at least 1 leadership point remaining. This ability replaces rally point.
Strategic Exploits
Shadow guildmasters can choose the following Shadow-style exploits in addition to those on the main list.
Command Feint [Shadow]: As a standard action, the shadow guildmaster may spend 1 leadership point and allow one ally within 30 feet to make a feint against one enemy they threaten as an immediate action, with a competence bonus on the Bluff check equal to the shadow guildmaster’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
From the Darkness [Shadow]: As a standard action, the shadow guildmaster may spend 2 leadership points and make a melee or ranged attack. If the attack hits, one ally who the target is not aware of may move up to their speed and make a melee or ranged attack against the target, who is considered flat-footed against the attack. The ally’s granted action is all one immediate action.
Shout Warning [Shadow]: As an immediate action, the shadow guildmaster can spend 1 leadership point to grant one ally within 30 feet the evasion ability for 1 round. He must be at least 6th level to select this exploit. At 10th level, he may spend 2 additional leadership points to grant the ally improved evasion instead.
Vanish [Shadow]: As a standard action, the shadow guildmaster can spend 2 leadership points and make an ally within 30 feet invisible (as the invisibility spell) for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). He must be at least 6th level to select this exploit. At 14th level, he may spend 2 additional leadership points to instead make the ally invisible as the greater invisibility spell for the same duration. This is a spell-like ability.
"Let no one think that the world can be ruled without blood; the sword of the ruler must be red and bloody; for the world will and must be evil, and the sword is God's rod and vengeance upon it."
- Martin Luther
Class Skills: The vicar adds Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), and Use Magic Device to his class skills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Vicars gain proficiency with their deity's favored weapon.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Vicars gain proficiency with their deity's favored weapon.
Leadership Style
The vicar always selects the Zealous style. Treat as Inspiring for all purposes (including access to exploits), but instead of the ability to grant allies temporary hit points, the vicar may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet a morale bonus on damage rolls for 1 round against enemies whose alignments exactly oppose either the vicar's or his church's equal to the vicar’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Leadership Pool
All vicars serve a particular patron god, pantheon, or church. If they fall out of favor with their patron, they lose access to the Leadership Pool class feature until such time as they regain their standing or begin following a new patron. Their alignment does not necessarily need to match that of his patron, but if he commits acts that go against his patron's laws he may lose his standing. This is up to GM discretion and differs based on the individual patron.
Judgment [Su]
At 4th level, the vicar may use the inquisitor's judgment class feature once per day, using his vicar level as his effective inquisitor level. Every 4 levels after 4th, the vicar may use judgment one additional time per day. This ability replaces bonus feats.
Inspire Fervor [Ex]
At 4th level, a vicar can spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant the effects of his Judgment class feature to an ally within 30 feet. The ally uses their own character level as their equivalent inquisitor level and may change the judgment applied by spending a swift action. This ability replaces act as one.
Righteous Protection [Ex]
Beginning at 5th level, the general and all allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus on saves against the spells and spell-like abilities of undead and outsiders. This bonus increases by 1 every 4 levels after 5th, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. This ability replaces brothers in arms.
Theological Study
At 7th level, the vicar selects one warpriest blessing granted by his deity or religion. As long as he has at least 1 point in his leadership pool, he gains access to the selected blessing's minor power as a warpriest of his general level -3, using his Charisma to determine its effects rather than Wisdom. At 13th level, he gains access to the major power of his blessing. He may not select an alignment blessing unless it matches his own alignment. This ability replaces no man left behind.
Strategic Exploits
Vicars can choose from the following Sacred-style exploits in addition to those on the main list.
Blessed Armor [Zealous]: The vicar allows his allies to ignore supernatural threats by the power of his faith. He may spend 2 leadership points as a standard action to grant each ally within 30 feet resistance 5 to two types of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) for a number of rounds equal to the vicar’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). At 6th level the vicar may spend 1 additional point to increase this resistance to 10, and at 10th level he may spend 2 additional points (for a total of 4) to increase it to 20. This is a supernatural ability.
Faith, Not Sight [Zealous]: The vicar may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant each ally within 30 feet the benefit of the Blind-Fight feat for 1 round. At 10th level, the vicar may spend 2 points to instead grant them Improved Blind-Fight, and at 14th level may spend 3 points to grant Greater Blind-Fight.
Undying Conviction [Zealous]: As an immediate action, the vicar may spend 1 leadership point to grant an ally within 30 feet the benefit of the Diehard feat for 1 round. He may extend this duration by 1 round each round by spending an additional leadership point as an immediate action or swift action. The vicar must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Weapons of Devotion [Zealous]: As a swift action, the vicar may spend 1 leadership point. For a number of rounds equal to the vicar's class level, all his allies within 30 feet have their weapons and natural attacks considered to match the alignment of the vicar’s religion for purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Wild Chieftain
“Every man has a wild beast within him.”
- Frederick the Great
Class Skills: The wild chieftain gains Knowledge (Nature) and Knowledge (Religion) to his class skills. He does not gain Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Nobility), or Linguistics as class skills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The wild chieftain loses proficiency in heavy armor and tower shields.
Leadership Style
The wild chieftain always selects the Primal style. Treat as Inspiring for all purposes (including access to exploits), but instead of the ability to grant allies temporary hit points, the wild chieftain may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet a morale bonus to damage rolls against objects and constructs equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round.
Fast Movement [Ex]
At first level, a wild chieftain’s base land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet as long as he is not wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.
Power of the Old Ways [Ex]
At 4th level, the wild chieftain gains either an animal companion or the rage ability; this decision may not be changed. This ability replaces bonus feats.
If he selects an animal companion, it functions as a druid’s animal companion ability, treating the wild chieftain’s effective druid level as his level -3; he is limited to animals selectable by the ranger.
If he selects rage, it functions identically as the barbarian’s rage class feature; at 4th level, the wild chieftain may rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 2 + his Constitution modifier. At every 4 levels past 4th, he may rage for 2 additional rounds. If he gets the rage ability from another source, the number of rounds per day stack, and if he gets rage powers or other rage-augmenting abilities (such as Greater Rage) from other sources, they apply to the wild chieftain’s rage. At any level at which he learns a strategic exploit, he may instead learn one rage power for which he meets the prerequisites, using his general level as his effective barbarian level.
Spark the Flame [Ex]
Beginning at 4th level, the wild chieftain may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant one willing ally within 30 feet a minor rage for a number of rounds equal to ½ his class level. The target gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus to Will saves, but takes a -1 penalty to AC; otherwise this is identical to a barbarian’s rage, and the ally can end it early if they wish. If the targeted ally already has the rage class feature, they apply their own bonuses and can use rage powers if applicable, but do not subtract rounds from their daily uses. This ability replaces act as one.
War Paint [Ex]
Starting at 5th level, the wild chieftain has accumulated an impressive display of paint, tattoos, battle scars, or other physical markings showing his status and experience. He gains a bonus equal to ½ his class level to Intimidate checks, and when he flanks with an ally, the additional distraction provided increases the ally’s flanking bonus to attack rolls to +4. This ability replaces improved aid.
Friends of the Earth [Ex]
Starting at 8th level, as long as the wild chieftain has at least 1 leadership point remaining, he and all allies who can see or hear him within 30 feet gain the benefit of the druid’s Woodland Stride class feature. This ability replaces rally point.
Strategic Exploits
Wild chieftains can choose the following Primal-style exploits in addition to those on the main list.
Ancestors Guide Us [Primal]: As a full-round action, the wild chieftain may spend 4 leadership points to call upon the spirits of his ancestors. For a number of rounds equal to his class level, ancestral spirits join the battle in an area with a 30 foot radius from the wild chieftain’s position; the effect is stationary and does not move with the wild chieftain. The wild chieftain’s enemies who enter the area or start their turn within it must make a Will save (DC=10 + ½ the wild chieftain's class level + his Cha modifier) or be slowed for the duration of the effect, or until they leave the area. Regardless of whether they make the saving throw, enemies within the area take a -4 penalty on saves against fear effects, lose their immunity to fear if they have it, and all Intimidate checks made against them gain a +4 bonus. In addition, the wild chieftain and his allies within the area are considered to have concealment (20% miss chance). The wild chieftain must be at least 10th level to select this exploit. This is a supernatural ability.
Battle Cry [Primal]: As a standard action, the wild chieftain may spend 1 leadership point and make an Intimidate check to demoralize each enemy within 30 feet; he rolls one check and compares it to the DC to demoralize each enemy separately. For each enemy successfully demoralized, the wild chieftain and his allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for the same number of rounds. (For example, if four enemies are demoralized, each ally gains a +4 morale bonus to attack and damage for 4 rounds.)
Fang Over Blade [Primal]: As a swift action, the wild chieftain may spend 1 leadership point and grant one ally within 30 feet a bonus to damage rolls with natural attacks and weapons made only from wood, bone, stone, or other natural, unworked materials equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for a number of rounds equal to ½ his class level. He must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Superstition [Primal]: As a swift action, the wild chieftain may spend 1 leadership point and grant each ally within 30 feet a bonus to saving throws against spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to ½ his class level.
Racial Favored Class Bonuses
Dwarf: +1/3 Hold the Line bonus
Elf: +1 ft. to enhancement bonus from speed granted to allies with base leadership pool ability
Gnome: +1/6 Strategic Exploit
Half-Elf: +1/4 leadership point
Half-Orc: +1/3 Brothers In Arms bonus
Halfling: +1/4 Initiative bonus
Human: +1/6 Strategic Exploit
Revision History
12/11/13: Base Leadership Pool abilities changed from flat bonuses to scaling bonuses. Most leadership and exploit bonuses changed from untyped to either Insight or Morale bonuses. Improved Aid changed, now allows Aid Another to be used as a move action. Expert Flanking now requires an action and 2 leadership points, and requires 6th level. Unshakable and Lead By Example added. Amateur Commander added. Make An Example Out Of 'Im and Wrath of Leviathan added.
12/12/13: Some exploit wording clarified. Duration of Unbreakable and Unshakable reduced to 1 round. Cost of War Leader's Charge increased to 4 points. Battlefield Insight now only applies to Leadership Pool and not exploits. Boost Morale and Mass Boost Morale only work on allies who can hear the general. Leadership point recharge method added to vanilla general. Terror on the High Seas changed from an Intimidate bonus to a damage bonus against scared enemies. Insight bonuses changed to Competence bonuses. Tactical Genius now scales with level. Battlemage Commander archetype added. Handle Animal added as class skill.
12/13/13: Clarification that general abilities only work on allies who can hear and understand the general, and who share a common language. Vicar archetype added.
12/15/13: Favorable Terrain and its derivative abilities are now usable a certain number of times per day instead of costing leadership points. Entangling Assist now has no restrictions on when it can be used. Extend Ally Spell has a max range of 30 feet. Obfuscation is a spell-like ability. Scout Captain archetype added.
3/4/14: Captain America added for fun.
3/11/14: Second quote for the Vicar added.
3/23/14: Vicar's Army of the Lord ability replaced with Theological Study, granting domain abilities.
4/8/14: Sacred style name changed to Zealous style.
4/29/14: Wild Chieftain archetype added. High seas captain's Wrath of Leviathan exploit replaced with Black Spot.
4/30/14: Fear effect added to Ancestors Guide Us exploit and attack roll bonus added to Battle Cry. Cost of War Leader's Charge reduced from 4 leadership points to 2. Master of the Dead feat added. Battlemage commander now uses his full class level as his caster level for Arcane Dabbler rather than 1/2. General can now select any teamwork or combat feat as a bonus feat, and Act As One can grant any teamwork or combat feat he knows to an ally, instead of just teamwork feats. Improved Act As One now allows you to choose to grant one feat two two allies instead of two feats to one ally. Greater Act As One feat added.
5/26/14: Scout captains now get Disable Device as a class skill. Vicar now uses their full character level as their equivalent inquisitor level for judgments. Battlefield Insight feat removed.
6/5/14: Picture for Wild Chieftain changed from Princess Mononoke to Godo.
6/11/14: Vicars gain proficiency with their deity's favored weapon.
6/12/14: Volley Strike, No Escape, Command Action, and Instant Brace now cost 2 leadership points. Strike the Heart no longer stacks with other effects. Reflexive Shot now costs 1 leadership point.
6/20/14: Removed leadership point recovery feature. Decreased number of exploits learned. Extra Leadership Points feat now only adds one point instead of two.
6/22/14: Changed levels at which strategic exploits are learned. Extra Leadership Points once again adds two, but may only be taken once. High seas captain gains a grit pool instead of sneak attack. Wolves of the Sea removed. The Guerrilla style ability now grants bonus to damage after moving. Ambush Mastery replaced with Quick Step. Reconnoiter replaced with Flawless Stride. Wild chieftain may learn rage powers instead of exploits. Hold the Line, Instant Brace, Unshakable, Warding Shield, and Always Vigilant removed. Volley Strike no longer grants damage bonus on ally's attack. Hard as Steel lasts a number of rounds equal to half the general's class level. Legendary Blow costs 6 leadership points. Unbreakable costs 4 leadership points. Positioning Assist takes a standard action. The penalty imposed by Spell Assist is only half the general's intelligence modifier. Deputize feat removed. Versatile Leadership allows access to archetype styles.
6/23/14: Shadow guildmaster archetype added.
6/26/14: Assist Escape exploit separated from Positioning Assist.
6/27/14: Assist Escape cost reduced to 2 leadership points. The general now only has a good Will save; the high seas captain and shadow guildmaster's unique save progressions are removed. Unwavering Loyalty moved to level 12. Courage of the Company added.
6/29/14: Sacred style ability changed.
7/3/14: Gang Intimidate replaced with Smokescreen. Size of leadership pool reduced. Improved Aid clarified so that the general cannot use Aid Another more than once per round.
7/10/14: Different leadership point recovery method added back in. Expert Flanking reduced to 1 leadership point and now also adds to damage. Take Down the Caster! reduced to 1 leadership point and now allows a melee or ranged attack. Lead By Example now allows a mass version. Legendary Blow reduced to 3 leadership points. Snap Out Of It, Soldier! reduced to 1 leadership point, but granting the bonus costs 1 additional one. Unbreakable reduced to 2 leadership points and lasts longer. Walk It Off reduced to 1 and 3 leadership points. Tactical style unique point ability now only applies to flat-footed enemies (not flanked ones). Obfuscation reduced to 1 leadership point. Extend Ally Spell reduced to 1/2 the spell level number of leadership points. Flawless Stride lasts longer. Shout Warning reduced to 1 leadership point. Command Feint reduced to 1 leadership point. Undying Conviction now costs 1 point per round. Highest Blessed Armor version now grants resistance 20. Command Backstab clarified to be a swift action and not to stack with existing sneak attack.
7/11/14: Arcane style now adds to all caster level checks. Tactical Genius cost reduced.
7/13/14: Weapons of Devotion lasts longer. Some qualification levels of exploits changed. Walk It Off removed. War Leader's Charge tweaked. Combat Acumen added.
7/28/14: Slowed Boost Morale's bonus progression, can't use as a move action until level 8. Vicar's Judgment class feature altered; now uses any judgment and increases times usable per day. Inspire Fervor no longer requires the ally to share the vicar's religion. Righteous Protection now applies to the abilities of all outsiders and aberrations.
8/3/14: Righteous Protection now also applies to the abilities of undead.
8/13/14: Boost Morale has a base cost of 2 leadership points.
8/20/14: High seas captain learns deeds instead of bonus feats, rather than instead of exploits.
9/10/14: Transfer Magic renamed Teach Magic. Courage of the Company now affects the general as well. Zone of Arcane Dominance replaced with Enhanced Arcana.
9/24/14: Courage of the Company moved to 11th level. Favorable Terrain and abilities that replace it moved to 8th level. Theological Study grants warpriest blessings instead of domains. Boost Morale and Mass Boost Morale effect strength and duration switched.
11/26/14: Favorable Terrain changed to Rally Point. Flag of Terror added to the High Seas Captain.
12/8/14: Reverted leadership points to half level plus ability score modifier. Unwavering Loyalty changed to 15th level. Bonus feats changed to every 4 levels (and all derivative archetype abilities).
12/12/14: Racial favored class bonuses added.
2/17/15: Difference between bonus types removed. Unbreakable costs 3 leadership points. Spell Assist exploit renamed Crush Defenses. Amateur Commander now uses the character's full character level as their effective general level. Master of the Dead feat removed.
12/15/13: Favorable Terrain and its derivative abilities are now usable a certain number of times per day instead of costing leadership points. Entangling Assist now has no restrictions on when it can be used. Extend Ally Spell has a max range of 30 feet. Obfuscation is a spell-like ability. Scout Captain archetype added.
3/4/14: Captain America added for fun.
3/11/14: Second quote for the Vicar added.
3/23/14: Vicar's Army of the Lord ability replaced with Theological Study, granting domain abilities.
4/8/14: Sacred style name changed to Zealous style.
4/29/14: Wild Chieftain archetype added. High seas captain's Wrath of Leviathan exploit replaced with Black Spot.
4/30/14: Fear effect added to Ancestors Guide Us exploit and attack roll bonus added to Battle Cry. Cost of War Leader's Charge reduced from 4 leadership points to 2. Master of the Dead feat added. Battlemage commander now uses his full class level as his caster level for Arcane Dabbler rather than 1/2. General can now select any teamwork or combat feat as a bonus feat, and Act As One can grant any teamwork or combat feat he knows to an ally, instead of just teamwork feats. Improved Act As One now allows you to choose to grant one feat two two allies instead of two feats to one ally. Greater Act As One feat added.
5/26/14: Scout captains now get Disable Device as a class skill. Vicar now uses their full character level as their equivalent inquisitor level for judgments. Battlefield Insight feat removed.
6/5/14: Picture for Wild Chieftain changed from Princess Mononoke to Godo.
6/11/14: Vicars gain proficiency with their deity's favored weapon.
6/12/14: Volley Strike, No Escape, Command Action, and Instant Brace now cost 2 leadership points. Strike the Heart no longer stacks with other effects. Reflexive Shot now costs 1 leadership point.
6/20/14: Removed leadership point recovery feature. Decreased number of exploits learned. Extra Leadership Points feat now only adds one point instead of two.
6/22/14: Changed levels at which strategic exploits are learned. Extra Leadership Points once again adds two, but may only be taken once. High seas captain gains a grit pool instead of sneak attack. Wolves of the Sea removed. The Guerrilla style ability now grants bonus to damage after moving. Ambush Mastery replaced with Quick Step. Reconnoiter replaced with Flawless Stride. Wild chieftain may learn rage powers instead of exploits. Hold the Line, Instant Brace, Unshakable, Warding Shield, and Always Vigilant removed. Volley Strike no longer grants damage bonus on ally's attack. Hard as Steel lasts a number of rounds equal to half the general's class level. Legendary Blow costs 6 leadership points. Unbreakable costs 4 leadership points. Positioning Assist takes a standard action. The penalty imposed by Spell Assist is only half the general's intelligence modifier. Deputize feat removed. Versatile Leadership allows access to archetype styles.
6/23/14: Shadow guildmaster archetype added.
6/26/14: Assist Escape exploit separated from Positioning Assist.
6/27/14: Assist Escape cost reduced to 2 leadership points. The general now only has a good Will save; the high seas captain and shadow guildmaster's unique save progressions are removed. Unwavering Loyalty moved to level 12. Courage of the Company added.
6/29/14: Sacred style ability changed.
7/3/14: Gang Intimidate replaced with Smokescreen. Size of leadership pool reduced. Improved Aid clarified so that the general cannot use Aid Another more than once per round.
7/10/14: Different leadership point recovery method added back in. Expert Flanking reduced to 1 leadership point and now also adds to damage. Take Down the Caster! reduced to 1 leadership point and now allows a melee or ranged attack. Lead By Example now allows a mass version. Legendary Blow reduced to 3 leadership points. Snap Out Of It, Soldier! reduced to 1 leadership point, but granting the bonus costs 1 additional one. Unbreakable reduced to 2 leadership points and lasts longer. Walk It Off reduced to 1 and 3 leadership points. Tactical style unique point ability now only applies to flat-footed enemies (not flanked ones). Obfuscation reduced to 1 leadership point. Extend Ally Spell reduced to 1/2 the spell level number of leadership points. Flawless Stride lasts longer. Shout Warning reduced to 1 leadership point. Command Feint reduced to 1 leadership point. Undying Conviction now costs 1 point per round. Highest Blessed Armor version now grants resistance 20. Command Backstab clarified to be a swift action and not to stack with existing sneak attack.
7/11/14: Arcane style now adds to all caster level checks. Tactical Genius cost reduced.
7/13/14: Weapons of Devotion lasts longer. Some qualification levels of exploits changed. Walk It Off removed. War Leader's Charge tweaked. Combat Acumen added.
7/28/14: Slowed Boost Morale's bonus progression, can't use as a move action until level 8. Vicar's Judgment class feature altered; now uses any judgment and increases times usable per day. Inspire Fervor no longer requires the ally to share the vicar's religion. Righteous Protection now applies to the abilities of all outsiders and aberrations.
8/3/14: Righteous Protection now also applies to the abilities of undead.
8/13/14: Boost Morale has a base cost of 2 leadership points.
8/20/14: High seas captain learns deeds instead of bonus feats, rather than instead of exploits.
9/10/14: Transfer Magic renamed Teach Magic. Courage of the Company now affects the general as well. Zone of Arcane Dominance replaced with Enhanced Arcana.
9/24/14: Courage of the Company moved to 11th level. Favorable Terrain and abilities that replace it moved to 8th level. Theological Study grants warpriest blessings instead of domains. Boost Morale and Mass Boost Morale effect strength and duration switched.
11/26/14: Favorable Terrain changed to Rally Point. Flag of Terror added to the High Seas Captain.
12/8/14: Reverted leadership points to half level plus ability score modifier. Unwavering Loyalty changed to 15th level. Bonus feats changed to every 4 levels (and all derivative archetype abilities).
12/12/14: Racial favored class bonuses added.
2/17/15: Difference between bonus types removed. Unbreakable costs 3 leadership points. Spell Assist exploit renamed Crush Defenses. Amateur Commander now uses the character's full character level as their effective general level. Master of the Dead feat removed.